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2024- 2025 School Year Pricing
Unlike other daycares, you only pay for the days you come to AKZ!
All students are required to pay a $40 registration fee for after school. This helps us keep our costs steady and cover supply costs for the school year.
We don't have long drawn out contracts that lock you into weeks/months/years at a time but to insure we cover costs we now require 48 hour notice if your plans for after school.
If 48 hours (noon 2 days prior) notice is not given you will be charged a $27 "no show" fee.
With the ever changing world we live in right now we are doing our best to keep prices steady but please note these prices are subject to change!
Due to increased demand we now require a $40 registration fee (non-refundable) with each new registration. This is good for August 2024 through May 2025.
Please call us if you have any questions 804-723-1222.
Registration fee will be requested through Brightwheel once registration forms are completed and approved by Airpark Kids Zone staff.
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